07 February 2009

Republicant Party

No thanks to the many self-serving Senators from THAT party who created this Bush Stimulus package to begin with. Best wishes to the RNC attempt, after 6 votes, in selecting their new party chairman to lead the RNC into a 'new' direction as they lose more seats in the coming elections. Another Sarah Palin plan to fool WE THE PEOPLE. This country needs leadership, not (gridlock) business as usual. This old mode of thinking lacks creativity as Detroit can illustrate. Imagine if Social Security had adopted the Wall Street ethic! And you managed to remove EDUCATION from the formula! Brilliant!

Not ONE Republican voted in the first round for the approved stimulus package today possibly thinking they will not be blamed for the eventual collapse of our US economy for supporting such "pork". This economy headed south during the MARTHA STEWART diversion when fat cats used a successful woman as a one-year COVERUP of what they knew Wall Street was doing. Insider trading? How hypocritical for a Party to create a climate of FAILURE then deny a recovery plan to bail out what can only be called criminal activity. You have failed the Global Test again. You are the weakest link, goodbye.

We the people are about to remind YOU THE SENATE what you are hired to do. WE THE VOTERS will turn the tide; artists, laborers, union and non-union Americans will replace you in your comfortable jobs due to your lack of vision. It's all about JOBS. The people have spoken and when politicians refuse to HEAR the voice of the people you will be HISTORY, literally, past tense. Equal pay for women has finally arrived with this new vision.

This is just the beginning of the end to a two party system functioning in a bubble of TOXIC POLITICS as usual. Lead by Mitch McConnell, who thinks compromise is dangerous, but thinks Americans want cooperation from their leaders...will follow the likes of Jim Bunning who will be voted out of office and back to the century he knows best, the 20th.

And if another VietNam comes out of all this "strategery" then you just "misunderestimated" how intelligence and military planning never changes.

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